Christian Adleta

My YouTube Museum:

All Kids Network

This is the All Kids Network YouTube channel, that I create content for professionally. I have been working with them since 2018, and the quality has only gotten better with each video.


  • 92 Videos
  • 1,485 Subscribers


This was my first YouTube channel that I started when I was 13 years old. I wanted to one day be able to do what I loved for a living, and I saw this channel as a way to do that.


  • 101 Videos
  • 952 Subscribers
  • Made enough Ad Revenue to buy myself a fancy Xbox Controller.

Christian Adleta

This channel was mostly for real-life stuff like school assignments and long-winded learning tutorials. I use it now for displayed my current productivity projects.


  • 98 Videos
  • 226 Subscribers

The Backstory

In July of 2015, I had been watching a lot of YouTube, as most people still are today. I was really into Minecraft gamers and let's play videos. It was amazing how these creators were able to make a living playing video games.

DanTDM was one of my favorite YouTubers and I had watched this video on his advice for making a YouTube channel. The gist of the advice it took me about 5 years of practice to get to where I am today, so the sooner you get started the sooner you can reach your dream. So If I started now I had the possibility of being a big shot YouTuber doing what I love before I was in my 20's. Not too bad of a plan for a middle schooler.

Drawing of LegoZombieKing

I made my first video with my sister and after (lightly) editing it I was really excited to show my family what I had created.

We put the video up on the tv and after the excitement of the first few minutes passed the family decided to stop watching it because it was just too long and wasn't entertaining enough.

It was at this point that I began learning how to edit videos and make them more interesting to watch, although I still don't watch my videos after I publish them.

After a few months of making multiple videos every week, I had one of my first videos start going viral. This video now has 234,800 Views and is by far one of my most embarrassing videos ever. This video continues to motivate me to continue improving at my production quality so that I never have something that I am completely proud of possibly go viral again.

I haven't posted many videos recently and I have stopped pressuring myself to make weekly content for either of the YouTube channels. This extra time allowed me to start a Podcast and work more on developing myself.